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Rooted in Family, Built on Virtue

Our Services

We believe that the family is vital to personal development. Therefore, we provide quality social and educational services to children, elderly and their families through our 10 units.
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Elderly Services

Pak U Neighbourhood Elderly Centre located in Hung Shui Kiu, provides services to elderly in the area.

Community Care Services

Providing professional care and services for the elderly.

Early Childhood
Education Services

We operate five nursery schools and one kindergarten in the New Territories.

Primary Education

Our two primary schools fall within the 84th school net and serve more than 1,000 students.

Our Association has shouldered the great mission of serving the community by providing quality services to grass-roots families. We will continue to respond effectively to the needs of the community and for the betterment of our society.

Mrs. CHOI LEE Christina Maisenne, JP  - Chairperson

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